Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let the good times Roll

How many times do you get to drive across the country alone with your grandparents??

I had just put in my mission papers and Nana and Pop were wanting to have space of their own on the west coast. They purchased a home on wheels and needed help driving it to California. I can't remember how I heard about their plight for a third driver, but I signed up and flew back to West Virginia, geared up for some good wholesome fun!
We woke early in the morning and headed out in this camper trailer. I can't remember a whole lot of dialogue. I think I was reading the Harry Potter series, Nana had some mystery novel and Pop drove and drove. I do rememeber staying at KOA's and camper parks in Kentucky, Oklahoma and Arizona.
One particular stop Nana and I took showers in this beat up bathroom and I realized for the first time in my adult life that my Nana really wasn't thin skinned she knew how to rough it. With bar soap, shampoo and towels in hand we braved into the shower stalls desperate to feel clean, and hoping for warm water. I just remembered lots of laughing and giggling as we put our hair in funny towel do's, and think we even sang some songs in the shower.
That trip taught me that we didn't need much to have a good time. Really just each other.

Let the stories begin!